Otolaryngologists diagnose and treat ear, nose, throat, head, and neck conditions through medical care or surgery. The primary goal of the field is to diagnose problems related to these areas by examining patients’ ears, noses, or throats with a lighted instrument called an otoscope for inspecting for any abnormalities. In New Orleans, these ENT specialists will also prescribe treatments when necessary, including antibiotics if there are signs of infection. Find reliable Marrero ENT of New Orleans centers.
Ear Infection Treatment
Ear infections can occur due to an ear injury due to fluid buildup in the middle ear cavity or through bacteria and viruses. The infection signs include feeling pain when chewing food on one side, redness and swelling in the area behind the ears, and noises like ringing or buzzing in the ears.
However, these symptoms vary depending on the type of ear infection that is present. For instance, acute otitis externa will yield pain upon chewing or pressure, while labyrinthitis results in dizziness and nausea.
On the other hand, an otolaryngologist can prescribe various medications for treating this condition after a thorough medical evaluation. Ear drops are the most common appropriate treatment for ear infections, while patients with severe conditions require oral antibiotics or intravenous medications.
Ear Conditions
They also diagnose and treat various ear conditions such as infections, tumors, hearing loss, and balance disorders. These problems may result from age or exposure to noise from concerts or heavy machinery.
Sinus Surgery
Sinus surgery is done to remove the sinuses’ mucus so that you can breathe easier. If these membranes are hardened or inflamed, it can cause pressure and pain in the head, facial swelling, poor vision, and other problems like halitosis (bad breath). Surgery is also used for cancer or to treat enlarged adenoids.
Two procedures can be done to clear the sinuses – external and internal. The first one is used for patients with milder allergies, hay fever, or chronic nasal problems such as polyps (tissue growth). During the procedure, an otolaryngologist will make a small incision in front of the ear.
Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a condition in which breathing repeatedly stops during sleep. This can result in daytime fatigue and trouble concentrating when awake. An otolaryngologist will prescribe the right sort of treatment for you with careful evaluation.
A patient with sleep apnea has to wear an Oral Appliance (mouthpiece), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP ) machine therapy, or use a tongue suspension surgery to treat the problem.
Respiratory InfectionTreatment
When the upper respiratory tract is inflamed, this will cause a stuffy nose and a reduced sense of smell. However, some people have a more severe problem known as epiglottitis, which happens from Haemophilus influenzae type B bacteria infection. This condition can result in difficulty swallowing or talking. The typical treatment for this condition is intravenous antibiotics and a breathing tube.
Otolaryngologists diagnose and treat ear, nose, throat, head, and neck conditions through medical care or surgery. The primary goal of the field is to diagnose problems related to these areas by examining patients’ ears, noses, or throats with a lighted instrument called an otoscope for inspecting for any abnormalities. An otolaryngologist will also prescribe treatments when necessary, including antibiotics, if there are signs of infection.