The importance of compression socks and devices is widely known in the medical field. They are often key to helping prevent venous leg ulcers and other complications from poor circulation. But they can also be used by individuals who need a little extra support in their activities of daily living. In Rockledge, Orlando, some specialists may offer you guidance on these therapeutic socks. They know how to accommodate your vein’s health to relieve the symptoms. Target top-class Rockledge compression socks & devices experts. The following blog post discusses everything you might want to know about compression socks and devices.
What are Compression Socks and Devices?
In general, compression socks and devices are used to improve the circulation of blood in your legs, prevent varicose veins from getting worse, and reduce other symptoms caused by poor circulation. Compression garments can also be called “anti-embolism.”
They work by removing excess fluids and aiding in the prevention of clots and thrombosis. The socks and devices help with the prevention of blood pooling which can lead to deep vein thrombosis. The garments also help if you’re experiencing restless leg syndrome or sitting for long periods.
When Should You Consider Using Them?
A physician often prescribes compression garments. They will help you decide on the best brand, style, and size to make sure they fit correctly. If you have been diagnosed with venous disease from lack of circulation, your physician will prescribe them to you. They are also often prescribed if you have varicose veins.
When should you consider using compression socks? You should wear compression socks if you need support to help with your daily activities or if you need relief from symptoms like itching or burning in your legs. They can also be helpful if you experience certain conditions like restless leg syndrome (RLS) or sitting for long periods.
How to Use Compression Socks and Devices
You should always follow your physician’s recommendations when using compression garments. They will best determine how long you can wear them, what type of activities they should be used for, and the correct level of compression (measured in mmHg) you need.
Put them on at the beginning of the day and take them off at night for sleep. Take care when putting them on so as not to damage your skin or nails. Make note of the seams, zippers, and clasps.
If you are wearing them for the first time, put them on and take them off a few times to get used to wearing them. Put the socks on before you do anything else like getting dressed, eating breakfast, or taking a shower. This will help you become more aware of your feet and how to take care of the swelling.
Compression socks and devices are significant if you’re experiencing symptoms of poor circulation. However, target top-class experts in your area. A Rockledge Orlando specialist will know how best to accommodate your vein’s health with a custom pair of therapeutic socks or a device that is just right for you.