By the age of 30, looking at 60 doesn’t seem so far away. Are you worried about hair loss? Do you know what are the causes of it that are hindering your personality?
Hair loss, alopecia, or baldness, refers to hair loss from the scalp or the entire body. It has become a problem for every individual nowadays. It occurs due to disruption in the growth cycle of hair. It can affect men, women, or even children. In this blog, we will discuss the causes of New York hair loss.
- Hereditary – It is one of the common causes of hair loss. You all have just seen the peculiar pattern of hair loss in your father and brother at your home. It means that it runs in the family. It presents as a receding hairline in men and thinning of hair in women. It is a common cause for men.
- Hormonal changes are the reason for temporary hair loss. Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, after delivery (post-partum), or the starting of menopause in many ways.
- Nutritional deficiency– Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency causing baldness.
- Alopecia areata is a medical condition in which the immune system affects the hair follicles of the body. It presents as a small patch of hair loss on the scalp, beard, or anywhere in the body.
- Scalp infection– Most common scalp infection is by fungus. It can be seen in the newborn child too. Do you know that dandruff is also a type of fungus infection? In this case, the hair grows back once the disease is treated.
- Trichotillomania– Hair pulling disorder mainly occurs in people under stress or who have this habit of pulling their hair from the scalp. It’s a psychological problem.
- Skin diseases– Lupus, lichen planus cause scarring alopecia.
- Medications– Hair loss has been seen during or post-treatment of medical conditions such as cancer, depression, arthritis, high blood pressure, hair treatments.
Hair loss could happen for many reasons and could affect the personality or appearance of a person. With new technologies of science that have evolved in the past years, many ways can help you get rid of hair loss, and you can again see yourself young and good-looking!