Thinking of starting a new career? These top ten jobs in the payroll/HR/Finance department could breathe fiery life into your working life.
There are dozens of specialisms within the umbrella title of finance jobs. One of the main specialisms are payroll specific jobs. Payroll Jobs are plentiful within the UK job market. Those who work in this specialism often end up representing a larger scale company from within the HR or Finance department. Depending on how your company operates, your payroll sector may even become a whole department of its own. However you come across this specialism, you ought to learn more about the opportunities in this sector before you commit.
10 Payroll Jobs Worth Studying Up for
We chose a selection of entry level jobs for those without the formal education, and management level jobs for those who have better experience. There is no harm browsing the top level positions either. It may well inspire you to study towards those upper tier salaries.
1 – The Payroll Assistant
The humble payroll assistant is an entry level position into the world of payroll jobs. This is how you learn your craft. Through studying hard and soaking up your environment, you will soon learn the tricks of the trade. The payroll assistant position is best for those who want to complete an apprenticeship and those who are fresh from college or university. It gets you familiar with the role while also providing you with industry-backed experience. Use this to bolster your CV.
2 – Payroll “Staff”
When you work for an organisation which cannot afford a large department to manage employ wages, shift rotations, and encompass levels of skill, you may be employed under the title of “payroll staff.” This looser title means you have far more work to do. This company will expect you to be fast and well-versed in all the other positions. This is the best roll for gathering on the job skill building. You will become a jack of all trades. From there, you can master whatever you want to.
3 – Payroll Administrators
Payroll administrators are the ones who make sure that the correct cash goes to the correct people. They issue the payments, either electronically or by cheque/in person. The average salary for this position within the UK lies between £15,000 and £28,000. This position offers plenty of opportunity for you to keep growing.
4 – The Payroll Team Manager
A payroll team manager is in charge of either a single team of payroll specialists, or multiple teams of the same. Team management requires fantastic communication skills, leadership qualities, and the ability to listen to everyone’s thoughts.
5 – The Analysts
No modern IT or fintech team are complete without the analysts. A payroll analyst’s job is to examine the figures carefully and ensure they add up. They can also run programs which help identify troublesome areas within your day to day operations. The analysts monitor for information, process that information, and make suggestions on how you can navigate based on solid mathematics.
6 – Supervisors
Any of these positions in finance can have supervisor or management titles. These roles will always pay more but will also require far more responsibility on your behalf.
7 – Payroll Coordinators
Payroll coordinators work in middle to upper management positions within the department. They are the people who do not have a manager or supervisor title, but who ensure that the software used to make the calculations which work out what your business owes each employee functions correctly. As well coordinating how the software works, they make sure everyone works to a set deadline to be as productive as possible.
8 – Senior Payroll Officer
Senior payroll officers are regarded as the sages of the payroll department. They store the knowledge and wisdom of all the old tech that nobody can get to work anymore. They also have a surprising grasp on the new technology, too. It is easier to learn new software systems than it is to try and dissect older, less efficient ones.
9 – All Round Specialists
If you develop your skills in handling cash, managing corporate finances, tracking payments, invoicing, employee wages, and recording hours worked, you can officially graduate to the rank of all round payroll specialist. These are the payroll administrators which prop up whole companies. Without their skills, the whole system would fall apart. The company knows this and pays them accordingly.
10 – Payroll Consultants
The top tier of a payroll career is to branch out on your own and become a consultant. You are so skilled that you can solve other’s payroll problems with a few seconds’ thought. At this top tier, the world is your oyster. Choose the clients you wish to cater to define your pricing.
Is a Position in Payroll Your Destiny?
Could you be the next star struck recruit destined for a dreamy career in payroll? Let these jobs act as your inspiration.