There are few positions less understood or more important to the success of a business than that of the CEO. A properly developed CEO will have accrued the skills, experience, and education necessary to lead a team, motivate their employees, and to drive the company toward profitability.
Kevin Modany made a name for himself as an executive consultant at Bluerock Partners. Now the Managing Director, Kevin Modany has taken time out of his day to share the keen insights into his ascent that he finds valuable.
Looking to help prime new and seasoned CEOs alike, Kevin Modany laid out what he believes to be the essential leadership guidelines for the position.
Must Work Well With a TeamNew CEOs need to be ready to step into the office and work with a team. Incoming company leaders may have varied backgrounds or extensive skill sets, but they’ll still need to work with the team around them to find success.
For that reason, Kevin Modany believes it is of the utmost importance to always encourage his teams to take the initiative on objectives while refusing to micromanage them. Kevin Modany believes that a higher degree of commitment with a more relaxed approach to micromanagement can yield the best long-term results.
Modany also advises executives to notice their employees as well as their full teams for any accomplishments that they partake in. Corporate leaders should recognize these achievements while urging others to find similar success.
Throughout his work with associates, Kevin Modany believes in encouragement and guidance, above all.
- Able to Make Tough Decisions
Executive consultants help leaders to develop skills they’ll need to make better, smarter, and more financially sound decisions in the future. High-achieving executives are known for their ability to dial in and make smart decisions, even if they don’t have all of the details ready and available to them.
With that being said, Modany understands that highly analytical CEOs will also run into their own issues and obstacles. Teams can become overwrought and frustrated by an analytical CEO that gets lost in data rather than taking action.
To make these tough decisions easier for everyone, Kevin Modany believes that it is important to create a line of open communication that is clear, transparent, effective, and honest. Modany believes in a no-frills approach to communicating and, as such, he minimizes exposure to industry jargon while prioritizing the relay of information back and forth between his team.
- Committed to Continuing Education
Today’s leaders never finish learning, as there is always something happening within the industry. Like so many other areas of life, leaders must focus on continuing to grow while meeting the needs of a rapidly changing field.
Kevin Modany suggests that today’s leaders make a point to never stop learning, staying focused and plugged in concerning potential career growth requirements in the future.