If your child is soon to be starting their very first early learning program, it can be an anxious time for both mother and child, as they are to be separated for the first time. On rare occasions the child becomes over emotional, as they try to deal with the reality of seeing their mother walk out the door, yet most are able to handle the enforced separation. Here is a checklist to ensure that nothing is overlooked as you prepare for this milestone in your child’s life.
- Change of Clothes – This is important, just in case your child spills food or drink on their clothing, and remember to inform the carers that you have packed some spare clothes in their bag, just in case. The school might request that you include pyjamas in the event the children have a short nap, which you should discuss with the school in advance, although some schools do provide sheets, blankets and pillows for the very young children.
- Special Requests – If your child has any food allergies, you do need to inform the school, or indeed, if they do not like particular foods or drinks, you should inform the school in advance. Of course, if your child is on medication, the staff need to be aware of that and if a dose needs to be administered while at school, the staff can handle that.
- Pack a Favourite Toy – This will help your child if he or she gets a little anxious, and if is something small, it won’t take up much room in their bag. If you are looking for a good kindergarten in Bangkok, check online and you will find a list of websites that will give you all the information you need.
- Prepare your Child for the Event – The more prepared your child is for the big day, the better, so do discuss it often in the days leading up to the first day, as this will help your child to make the adjustment and don’t forget to reassure them that you will be returning to collect them in the early afternoon.
- Touch Bases with your Child’s Teacher – This is very important on the first day, as you can give them any background information about your child and this insight can often help the teacher to become acquainted with the child quickly. Most kindergarten schools would issue each child with a special notebook that is used by both teacher and parent to note important information about what the child did that day and for the parent, any special considerations can be included.
- Read the Parent Guide – The school would normally issue the parents with a pamphlet or brochure that details important information about the first day. This would include information about what to pack in their bag, along with information about sleeping arrangements, eating and other activities.
If you prepare yourself and your child properly, there should be no problems with their first day at school and by remembering all of the above, your child should really enjoy their initial introduction to school life.